Welcome to UEMA

We’re glad you’re here.

  • Have you retired, but been a member of UEMA for years? Have you made valuable contributions to emergency management within Utah? Do you still have wisdom to share? Apply for a no-cost Emeritus Membership today!

UEMA Basic Membership
Every year
2025 UEMA Conference Registration
from $299.00

Every year, we bring together emergency managers, first responders and public officials to learn from, train with, and celebrate the industry. This year we have partnered with the Utah Division of Emergency Management to bring you a conference which will offer pre-conference credentialed training, a working lounge, and FREE headshots. After-Hours events include the Race to Erase 22 Trail Ride and the “Never Gamble With Disaster” EM Casino Night.

This registration is for attendance at the 2025 UEMA Conference to be held at the Dixie Convention Center in St. George, Utah May 21-22, 2025. This years theme is Bridging the Divide; Leveraging Strengths to Build Meaningful Response Relationships. This Conference will include 2 days of optional Pre-Conference Training May 19-20.

Student Membership
Every year

A student membership is a great way to network and gain exposure to the EM industry! We will also post intern opportunities in the student member areas.

This option is intended for current full-time students who do not currently work in the EM industry. Student Members are not eligible to serve on the UEMA Board or as a Mentor. You are eligible to renew as a student for up to 4 years.

Conference Vendors & Sponsors

Conference Vendors & Sponsors

The 2025 Annual UEMA Conference is currently seeking vendors & sponsors!

Join us for the public safety event of the year!

May 19-22, 2025 at the Dixie Convention Center in St. George, Utah

The UEMA Annual Conference is a statewide event for professionals in both the public and private sector who work in Emergency Management, this is a great opportunity for companies to network and provide promotional information. Many of our vendors promote planning support, innovative equipment or other collaborative services. 

2025 UEMA Conference Vendor

Download Sponsor Sheet

Who can join UEMA?


You can! Frankly, anyone with an interest in the profession or organization of Emergency Management is welcome. Private companies, Government Agencies, Volunteers, Preparedness Specialist and students; All are welcome!

PRICELESS reasons to become a member:

  • Networking

    Membership in UEMA gives you access to a professional organization with fellow members who have a wealth of experience and knowledge across multiple disciplines. These relationships provide incredible value and build your network during real world events.

  • Workshops

    UEMA works continuously to provide valuable access to workshops, connect you to training events and organizing collaborative seminars throughout the year.

  • Information Sharing

    Each month you will receive a newsletter with up-to-date information on trends, issues in emergency management, spotlights on our members and opportunities within the field.

  • Funding Guidance

    Grants can be an overwhelming task to apply for and maintain. New this year, UEMA will provide guidance, list educational opportunities and reference subject matter experts for support.

  • Conference

    The 2022 UEMA conference will be held in Moab, Utah. It will bring together emergency managers, first responders, public officials, and others interested in emergency management issues throughout the state. This years focus will be on the operational capabilities of our partner VOAD organizations including Team Rubicon, American Red Cross, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Salvation Army and The Church of Scientology Disaster Response, among others.

  • Certification

    Beyond being a required membership to qualify for the EMPG grant, UEMA partners with the Utah Certified Emergency Manager program to get you access to mentors, documentation support and needed guidance to achieve both your UCEM certification as well as your IAEM. We’ll keep you on track to achieve your goals!

  • Leadership

    UEMA is led by professionals in the field with responsibilities in current incidents and response throughout Utah. We are your liaison to the Utah Division of Emergency Management as well as the International Association of Emergency Managers Region VIII.

  • Opportunities

    New this year, UEMA will offer a robust mentoring program, post valuable internship opportunities and be your source for job postings within the emergency management community. You’ll have numerous opportunities to network, train, collaborate and expand your capabilities in the field. Don’t miss out!