2025 UEMA Annual Meeting & Conference

The 2025 UEMA Conference will be held May 19th-22nd at the Dixie Convention Center in St. George, Utah

2025 UEMA Conference Agenda

  • Monday, May 19-20


    Available Pre-Conference Trainings Include:

    G-191 ICS/EOC Interface

    ICS-400 Advanced ICS

    L0146 HSEEP

    85th CST Tabletop Exerces

    Utah County Mesh Network Demonstration

    Wasatch Range Catastrophic Exercise Review - By Invitation

    ICDP Basic Medical Moulage

    ICDP Advanced Medical Moulage

    ICDP Special FX Moulage

    Please join us Tuesday Evening for the

    Race to Erase 22 Trail Ride to Toquerville Falls! (Dinner included)

  • Wednesday, May 21st


    Check-In & Breakfast

    Opening Ceremonies





    Interactive Workshops


    Please join us Wednesday Night for the

    Mascot Miracles EM Casino Night!

  • Thursday, May 22nd




    Opening Presentation


    Interactive Workshops






4 Hotels available

4 Hotels available

The 2025 UEMA Conference, which will be held at the Dixie Convention Center, has arranged for discounted reservations at the following hotels:

Please click on the individual links to secure your room at the guaranteed rates. Limited blocks of rooms are available May 18-22, 2025 at the listed rates. While supplies last.

Welcome to the Genasys Working Lounge

Welcome to the Genasys Working Lounge

At UEMA, we understand that, even when emergency managers travel, the work must continue. It’s just the nature of the business. This year, Genasys Inc. has generously sponsored the Working Lounge at the 2025 UEMA Conference in St. George, Utah May 21-22.

This lounge is a space we have set up for you to get essential work done, if needed. The lounge will have a number of resources, including printers, lounge furniture to hold a quick meeting, and a coffee/drink station available throughout the day. Our goal is to provide a valuable resource and show how much we appreciate the work you do! Just try not to be gone too long, because we have some fantastic presentations on the agenda.

to Nov 30

National Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Conference

  • Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Casino (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

2023 National Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Conference

NOVEMBER 28-30, 2023                                                                                                                       

Join us at the 2023 National Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Conference and discover A CHANGING WORLD: OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRANSFORMATION. By learning from the local-level triumphs and challenges of America's healthcare coalitions, we can adapt these successes into long-term, dynamic solutions that will benefit fellow coalitions across the country. Although our Coalitions are each unique and diverse, as a whole we have the same ultimate purpose - to improve the health and safety of the communities we serve.

Professionals in emergency management, healthcare coalitions, volunteer organizations and all levels of government (federal, state and local) will benefit from advancing their individual and collective skill sets by participating in over 40 sessions of content, sharing best practices, building partnerships, and interacting with the latest technology and industry thought leaders in the Exhibit Hall


2023 Registration Prices

Full Conference Attendee:

  • Early Bird (by September 29):  $520.00

  • Full Price (starting September 30):  $600.00

NHCPC One Day Attendee:   $370.00

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Utah One Health Symposium

2023 Utah One Health Symposium: Urbanization in Utah

This year, our focus is to explore the dynamicchanges at urban-wildlife interfaces. We'll lookat human influence and land-use change as theyaffect risk of emerging diseases. We willconsider humans' connection to the land, andsome of the factors that drive urbanization.

Learn About:

  • Urban-wildlife interfaces

  • Zoonotic diseases

  • Land use and insect vectors

  • Preserving agricultural land

  • Human impact on wildlife

  • Rabies update

  • And more!

$45-$210 (Depending on early bird and CE option)

Register Here

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to Sep 29

Utah Public Health & Disaster Conference

Public Health and Disasters Conference 2023

Public Health and Disasters is an annual, multidisciplinary national conference that brings together professionals from public health, health care, emergency management and other disciplines involved in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from public health emergencies. The conference includes tracks specific to PHEP Coordinators; emergency planners, epidemiologists, environmental health specialists, and healthcare emergency managers. This year's conference is co-sponsored by the University of Utah Division of Public Health, in collaboration with the Salt Lake County Health Department and the Utah Department of Health.

Payment Instructions

Conference Fee is $275 before Aug. 16, 2022
Conference Fee is $325 beginning Aug 17, 2022

Conference Fee is 
$100 anytime for students with submission of program director letter (stating full-time student status) and willingness to volunteer during the conference.

registering please pay for your registration using the linked University of Utah payment system.


Viridian Event Center
8030 S 1825 W West Jordan, Utah 84088
Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place//@40.6052621,-111.9446255,17z?entry=ttu

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to May 24

Utah Public Safety Summit

Registration is open!

The Utah Department of Public Safety (DPS) invites you to the 2023 Utah Public Safety Summit. The conference was designed with public safety professionals in mind and focuses on leadership, educational experiences, critical networking opportunities, and best practices.

Join us May 23rd and 24th, in St. George, Utah, at the Dixie Convention Center. 

Registration link


Hilton Garden Inn

Hyatt Place

Holiday Inn

Fairfield Inn

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to Apr 27

2023 Preparedness Summit

The Preparedness Summit is the first and longest running national conference on public health preparedness. Since its beginning in 2007, the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) has taken a leadership role in convening a wide array of partners to participate in the Summit; presenting new research findings, sharing tools and resources, and providing a variety of opportunities for attendees to learn how to implement model practices that enhance the nation’s capabilities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters and other emergencies

Conference link: https://www.preparednesssummit.org/home

Registration link: https://www.preparednesssummit.org/register

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to Mar 23

UEMA Conference (Click here for times and address)

The annual Utah Emergency Management Association (UEMA) conference brings together emergency managers, first responders, public officials, and others interested in emergency management issues throughout the state. The UEMA conference will be held March 22-23, 2023 at the Viridian Event Center, in West Jordan. For full conference agenda click the image below.

UEMA Conference Registration can be found here: https://na.eventscloud.com/uema2023

Breakfast and registration will begin on the March 22nd, at 7:30 am. Registration will repoen on March 23rd at 8:00 am. Parking is free at the Viridian Event Center and located on the north and south sides of the building. 

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to Feb 11

Uintah Basin Emergency Care Conference

Uintah County is hosting their annual Uintah Basin Emergency Care Conference. This is a great time to network and hear some great presentations. This year it is held on February 10-11, 2023 in Vernal at the Uintah Conference Center 8am-4pm each day. It is a free event but we ask you to please register so we can plan for the food. To register the link is: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ubecc-2023-tickets-458933972867?aff=ebdssbcitybrowse

Conference Flyer

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Utah Pipeline Association Pipeline Safety and Emergency Response Seminar

The Utah Pipeline Association invites you to attend an upcoming Pipeline Safety and Emergency Response Seminar in your area. These FREE educational seminars are designed to provide emergency responders and public officials with important information to assist in managing a potential pipeline emergency. The presentation will discuss the use of the National Pipeline Mapping System, walk through an emergency scenario and have pipeline operators available to answer questions. These seminars are recommended for fire and police departments, highway patrol, and emergency managers. Attendees can receive Utah State Fire Marshal Continuing Education Units (HAZMAT Division).

The first 30 minutes you will sign in and have an opportunity to visit the pipeline operator's booths. The seminar will begin at the top of the hour.

Registration link: Pipeline Emergency Response Meetings (pipelineawareness.org)

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to Nov 16

Utah's Emergency Management Conference

It is time to register for Utah's Emergency Management Conference, brought to you by the Utah Division of Emergency Management.  The Conference will be held November 15-16, 2022 at the Davis Conference Center in Layton, Utah. 

Register here by October 28, 2022.

Lodging: Follow these booking links for State Per Diem hotels

Hilton Garden Inn, 1651 North 700 West, Layton, Utah BOOKING LINK

Hampton Inn, 1700 Woodland Park Dr, Layton, Utah BOOKING LINK

If you have any questions, please see contact information below:

Hotel lodging  - Patrice Thomas at pthomas@utah.gov

Conference - Kris Repp at krepp@utah.gov 

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LEPC Conference

November 14, 2022 at the Davis Conference Center in Layton, Utah

Click here to register.

The conference provides many opportunities for professional growth and learning, including presentations by the SERC Advisory, local LEPCs, as well as our industry and federal partners. We recommend that the LEPC Chairs, LEPC members, Emergency Management representatives, and support staff attend the LEPC Conference. An agenda will be forthcoming. For now, here is the conference information for your awareness:

Registration and breakfast will begin at 8:00 am, with opening remarks beginning at 9:00 am. 

If you require lodging, there are several options in the Layton area to accommodate your stay. Hilton Garden Inn (attached to conference center) website. Other options can be found here.

If you have any questions regarding the LEPC conference, please contact Kim Hammer at khammer@utah.gov

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Utah Emergency Management Association Annual Conference
to Mar 17

Utah Emergency Management Association Annual Conference

The 2022 UEMA conference will be held in Moab, Utah at the Springhill Suites on March 16th & 17th. It will bring together emergency managers, first responder's, public officials, and others interested in emergency management issues throughout the state. This years focus will be on the operational capabilities of our partner VOAD organizations including Team Rubicon, American Red Cross, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Salvation Army and The Church of Scientology Disaster Response, among others. VIRTUAL and IN-PERSON options are available.

Additional social activities will be available before and after the conference including a free, in-person, two-hour ‘Introduction to EM’ for new emergency managers prior to the conference on the afternoon of Tuesday, March 15th, with an icebreaker Meet & Greet gathering to follow.

The Springhill Suites in Moab is essentially sold out, so we have secured the conference rate for a block of rooms at the nearby Fairfield Inn and Suites for conference attendees. Reservations can be made by calling (435) 259-5350 and mentioning the group name Utah Emergency Management Association to receive the discounted rate. The cutoff to receive the conference discount is Wednesday, February 16th. Reservations can also be made online at this link.

Camping is also available at the Old Spanish Trails Arena. All camping is dry camping, so all grey/black water must be contained. Spots for trailers/RVs and tents are available. Cost to camp is $30 per night. Contact the Old Spanish Trails Arena, (435) 259-1311 or (435) 259-6226 to reserve your spot.

Don’t miss the 2022 UEMA Conference in Moab! Register at the link below

You will need your new 2022 Membership Number in order to register for the conference.

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2022 Be Ready Utah Expo
to Feb 26

2022 Be Ready Utah Expo

The Be Ready Utah Expo will offer classes, hands-on learning activities, retail and non-profit exhibitor booths on the topics of emergency preparedness, health, and safety. Be Ready Utah Expo partners include the Utah Division of Emergency Management, USU Extension Service, American Red Cross, Disaster Discovery Center, U of U Health, and Salt Lake County Emergency Services.

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