The Utah Emergency Management Association exists to bring together emergency managers from both public and private organizations to share knowledge, support continuing education and provide a forum for planning and information exchange across the state.


Throughout American history, the white hat has symbolized the good guys. It is famously worn by the Texas Rangers in real life, in Saturday afternoon matinees with the Lone Ranger and proudly displayed on the UEMA challenge coin. The symbol of the white hat was invoked during many training sessions by Mike Stever, a past UEMA president.

Stever often used the hat and its historic value to explain UEMA’s mission in the most basic, passionate way…

We’re the ones in the white hats, we’re the good guys.”

Mike Stever, UEMA President 1996, 2003 & 2007

2024-2025 Executive Board

Kathryn McMullin President

Heidi Lundberg

Vice President

Tanner Patterson Treasurer

Trevor Sperry

Administrative Assistant

2024-2025 Board Members

  • Jon Flynt - SLCC EM

  • Jeff Mulcahy - West Jordan City EM

  • Tyler Harvey - CUWCD EM

  • Skyler Pyle - Weber/Morgan Health Dept. EM

  • Heidi Lundberg - Uintah County EM

  • Michael Gipson - SLCC EM Coordinator

  • Julianne Ehlers - Intermountain Healthcare EM

  • Beckie Boekweg - Tooele County Emergency Services

  • Trevor Sperry - Spanish Fork EM

  • Aaron Sainsbury - South Jordan EM

  • David Ulibarri - Eagle Mountain EM

  • Casey Hunsaker - North Ogden EM

  • UEMA Past Presidents

    2023-2024 Kathryn McMullin

    2022 Chris Lindquist, UCEM

    2021 Mike McComb, UCEM, CEM

    2020 Justin Needles, UCEM

    2019 Jeremy Hales

    2018 Cody Barton, UAEM

    2017 Tal Ehlers, MA, CEM, MEP

    2016 Brett Cross, CPM, MEP

    2015 Chris Blinzinger, UCEM, CEM

    2014 Hugh Daniels, CEM, UCEM

    2013 Sheila Curtis, UCEM

    2012 Jo Anna Larsen

    2011 Philip Chaffee, CEM

    2010 Jim Mason

    2009 Marty Shaub, CEM

    2008 Dustin Lewis, CEM, UCEM, MEP, CFM,ARM

    2007 Mike Stever

    2006 Ken Kraudy

    2005 Jim Buchanan, CEM, UCEM

    2004 Ann Allen

    2003 Mike Stever

    2002 Cathy (Diehl) Bodily, CEM

    2001 Lance Peterson

    2000 Jan Gibbons

    1999 Arley Wallace

    1998 Steve Layton

    1997 George Becker

    1996 Mike Stever

    1995 Peggy Langille

    1994 Kay Sadler

    1993 LaMar Richins